Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House
This is where I get to go!

Monday, February 8, 2010

First Day in Manly

So this week we have to dress in business casual clothes, so of course this was the last thing I looked at packing and decided I didn't need anything. So Heather, Jackie, and I went to target to get everything we had all forgotten. For example, dress clothes for me thick heeled dress shoes and a curling iron the won't blow up if I plug it in to the socket as Australia uses 240 volts and the US uses 110 to 120. I also bought school supplies, though I'm having trouble finding two pocket folders. We took the bus there and accidentally took the scenic route through the city that too 40 minutes and costs 3.30 each way. When we got off the bus we had to hike up the hill to take our goods back to our room. This was the second time I hiked the hill and the first time that day. Luckily, we were in a group that didn't have anything to do until Tuesday afternoon so we had the whole day to ourselves. About ten of us decided to go to the beach and lay out.
The Australian sun has no ozone to go through it which means that its really easy to get burnt here. Fortunately, I haven't burn't yet! It was really hot when we left around 2 p.m. and the hike up the hill sucked, really steep and hot. But the beach was amazing very light sand with not very many blue bottles. We all came back and took showers and got dressed for dinner. The food here is really good and it's presented as a meal and not slop like back at home it looks really appetizing. We left dinner and went to watch some of the guys play basketball and cheered and heckled them then got dressed to got out. We walked down to The Warf to get gelato but 3 of us couldn't find the others we were meeting and we walked passed a Copehagann Ice Cream so we decided to get that and then meet up with everyone else. At this point Heather realized she left her i.d. back in the room so we walked along the surf and came to the decision to go back up to get it. We went up and got her i.d. finally met up with half of the guys and walked down to the bar.We went to the one bar in Manly called Shark bar it was deserted and we had the club to ourselves, then later we went downstairs and joined all of the guys who played basketball in the hotel bar where we met some really cool Australians and had fun. After 3 or 4 hours a couple of people left and we all decided to leave and go back up the hill. At this point Heather and I walked up this huge hill at about a 35 degree angle and 1/2 mile long 4 times. Talk about a work out! But we went to bed and I slept like a baby.

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