Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House
This is where I get to go!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Arriving in Sydney

So we all get up at 6 a.m. go to breakfast, pack and load our stuff on a bus that will take us to the Cairns airport. We have to go through security where I am chosen for a random check so I get swabbed down with a stick and so do all of my possessions. Then we get to wait for our 9:35 a.m. flight which is delayed due to a baggage issue in Sydney. It arrives 20 minutes late and we board the plane at 9:55 a.m. As were walking down the terminal I look at this guy who seems vaguely familiar and I realize that he is the owner of the Ultimate Party Bus that we participated in last night. I said hi to him and asked if that really was him he said yes and said he was glad we all made our flight.
Sadly, this was also the time we all had to say goodbye to others that weren't going to ICMS but to Murdock and Canberra, it was really sad and I wish we all could have stayed together and had fun here, but we couldn't so we boarded the plane and flew to Sydney we arrived in Sydney around 12:30 p.m. and then loaded our stuff on the bus for our 40 minute drive into Manly while our bus driver pointed out the Sydney Opera House and all of the best place to go for fresh sushi, and cheap clothes.
We arrive at ICMS around 2 p.m. and we are escorted to a room where we sign our house rules and are given our room keys and room assignments, I'm rooming with Heather DiGirolamo from Connecticut a friend who went to Cairns with everyone. our other roommate has not shown up yet. We get checked in and go drag our luggage up the elevator and to our room. I might mention that this is the only time we get to use the elevator is for check in and move out and that I live on the 4th floor in which to get to you must climb up the spiral stair case.
So the majority of us get settled in and go down to Manly Beach for the first time.It was amazing and the pictures of my school look like postcards. We all climb back up the hill after an hour or so and crawl in to bed exhausted trying to get some rest before tomorrow which is the first day of Orientation also known as O week.

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