Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House
This is where I get to go!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Back to the Grindstone

So after a great, relaxing vacation I came back to two group projects and a thousand words due for my Journal Article. I wasn't feeling to bad about these two projects as I already submitted my parts well before I left for Melbourne. Sadly this was not so for everyone. This resulted in two late night sessions of Ashley and I working on the paper and the project and preparing a power point as we had to submit or plan to take Mirvac, an Australian hotel chain to another country. We had to convince the GM of the Citigate hotel to choose our location. Unfortunately we did not win, but we did earn a Distinction on our presentation which is the equivalent of an A.
My other group project was for MGMT 116 where we had to do a condition report of a facility and do a presentation on the facility. We chose the Manly ferry. Well my group was made of two 18 year old boys and a girl from Vietnam, only one of the boys was very helpful and the other two sucked. I ended up being the only one working on the paper, making sure that it was ready to turn in and I also made the majority of the power point presentation. I just checked my grade and I earned a Distinction! So I'm doing very well in that class, even though my grades won't transfer back to my school, only the credits will.
When it came time to writing the paper that was due on Friday, I had a had time as I was exhausted mentally from writing so much of both of the papers due earlier. So I only wrote 500 words out of the thousand, but at least I made some progress.
That weekend I did absolutely nothing. I stayed in all weekend, read a book watched some t.v. online and enjoyed not having to do a ton of work. On Sunday I did have to start working on a paper that was due Wednesday but it was only about a thousand words.
So that concludes week 9 of school, only leaving 5 weeks of school left!

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