Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House
This is where I get to go!

Friday, January 29, 2010

'Free Day'

So I woke up at 6 a.m. wide awake and hugary! My food schedule has not caught up with Australian time yet. So we all went to breakfast and then went back to the rooms to hang out and prepare for the day. I was planning on white water rafting adventure but sadly due to the rain the past couple of days the rivers were to high to float and the company cancled on me, but I got my money back and we decided to go to the beaches up north to hang out and catch some sun. So 25 of us or so walked to the bus station and caught the 1x to Palm Cove for a day at the beach. This day was beautiful and we sept the next 5 hours playing in the ocean. About 2:30 six of us went and ate at a restaurant and enjoyed a deliciuous B.L.T. Then at 4:30 we left for Cairnis for dinner.Which took a 40 minute bus ride south. We went to Shennaigans for dinner where I ate a Kangaroo burger which was delicious and then went back to the hotel and updated my blog and went to bed.

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