So after over a day of being on an airplane, I'm in the Pacific International Hotel and we're alll figuring out our living arranegments for the fist week. Then I got to take a shower! Finally hot water and washing my hair. So after everyone has cleaned up and changed we went down stairs for our first session. We have 45 people all from all over the country. It took a couple of hours then the leaders took us out for dinner at Blue Sky Brewery, which was really good! And to get to know eveyone we all went out to Gilligan's for drinks and dancing.
The next morning breakfast was at 7:15 a.m. we all woke up early and hungary. Then we headed out to The Rain Forestation, where whe get to pet Kangaroo's, hold Koala's, and throw a boomerang. So we take a 40 min bus ride in to the Karatuana Rainforest. When we get there we immediatly run into the talking parrot that curses, he's pretty awsome, but we move on to speak with the aboriginal's who showed us how to throw spears, and launch boomerangs which it what the used to kill birds way back when. The he taught us how to play a didgerydo which I failed miserably at. When we went to throw the boomerang I failed. epically. I threw it like a frisbee. then we got to se Koala's in a habitat and see the new baby kolala that AustraLearn adopted named Tim Tam she is really adorable.
Then we got to go play with Kangaroo's and toouch and feed them they were really laid back and liked the attention. The next thing we got to do was hold a Koala it was a male so he had a gland that left a very storng scent on your clothes and arms, I also got to have my picture taken with him! After this we went and had lunch in the restaurant, which was really good but the service here is so different as you don't tip.And you served your whole table your drinks of water from a pitcher that you refill.
Then we headed off to go ride the ducks! Which was nothing new for me but it was a whole different ball game in the Rainforest. There are very deadly plants, snakes, spiders, and bugs. We saw many endangerd plantsand they are spectacular looking and ones that will kill you in under 60 seconds. There is one plant called locally the "wait a while" because sooner or later someone will walk by and get caught on these 6 foot long razor sharp strands. Our guide told us to 'Not touch anything in the wild' Don't worry my hands were safely in my lap the whole time! This was the last thing we did and the we all got back on the bus stoked after what we all just expierenced and went back to the hotel to change and we went to P.J. O'malley's where there were 10 dollar meals with a glass of wine included. It was awsome. Later after dinner we came back to the hotel after getting a 4 litre box of wine to pre-game with before we went out to Gilligans again where we all dance and had a blast, including a titty contest where my roommate won $150 bucks. All in all it was a great day and I called it a night at 2 a.m.
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