So after a long week of learning I headed into Sydney on Friday night with some friends to celebrate the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. This is the largest celebration of Mardi Gras in the world and I got to witness it.
On Friday eight of us took the ferry into Sydney and then the bus to inner Sydney to meet up with one of my friends Mary. Friend from the States who are studying abroad at the university of Sydney. After a while of being on the bus we started to wonder if we missed our stop because we were looking for a bar. One of the girls suggested pushing the stop button for every stop...jokingly.The bus driver overheard this and offered to tell us when to get off at our stop so that we wouldn't hit the button every time. While we were on the bus we talked with a lady who lives in Sydney and thought that we were all beautiful and young and was really excited to talk with us, as she was leaving she remarked to her husband that she wished she was young again. We didn't this lady was awesome and we invited her to go out with us but she had plans with her husband that night so she declined.
That night was a lot of fun we all bought real hard alcohol for the first time in a month which proceeded to but most of us in the bathroom by the end of the night or hungover the next morning. one of my friend even lost her pants. We could not find them the next morning, at all. The reason we do not drink hard alcohol is because it is so expensive! It's at it's cheapest about $35.00 a fifth. I went dancing, had fun the went to bed to be ready for Mardi Gras.
The next morning, or should I say 3 hours later we got up and went to breakfast and the started to get ready for Mardi Gras. Most of us got sparely sequined dresses or very colorful ones. We ate McDonald's for lunch in Darling harbor and then caught our 'booze cruise' for the afternoon. had I been feeling better I'm sure I would have enjoyed the harbor cruise, however I did not and felt as if I were trapped on the boat for 3 and a half hours with a bunch of drunk people. Finally, at 6 p.m. we got off the boat and they bussed us near the parade so that we could watch. However, because we got there so late we really couldn't see the parade. Luckily after being there for about 15 minutes a really nice older woman let me stand up on her stool so that I could see some of the parade. It was really interesting. Mostly there was a lot of nakedness and people running around in rainbows or cross dressing. I have never seen anything like this before.
The parade last for a long time but by about 9:30 p.m. I was completely wiped out and wanted to leave luckily so did some other girls and we walked back to the ferry's. The only bad thing about Mardi Gras is that there were no beads. It isn't a big thing over here like it is in the U.S. So that defiantly means I'm going to have to take a trip to Mardi Gras in new Orleans! I got back to my room at about 11:00 p.m. got on the internet then passed out in bed and slept the hardest I have ever slept. Then woke up on Sunday morning and went to breakfast.
Overall, Mardi gras was an experience that I will never forget and I'm thankful to be able to have gone.
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